Sunday 20 January 2013

Shopping for the Siege....

Winter has bitten and snow is seeming to fill up the small valley of Wrexham. After anxious phone calls we establish that we are able to pick up our mothers for their regular date with us for Sunday Dinner. It always amazes us how, having lived through wars and and seen the deaths of so many of their friends, our elderly nearest and dearest have a tendency to believe the worse can befall us and them at any time. This fear gets more intense if you add a little bit of snow, rain or travel to another country. Why, we reason to ourselves, when they have reached this grand old age safely would they think anything bad is going to happen to them now? But I guess the memories of past losses is precisely their their reason....

I must admit, I was so stumped as to where we were going to go this afternoon that I even put an appeal on Face Book. The snow, although light, was constant and it was clear that driving anywhere to see the beauty of snow covered hills was not an option. But apart from my sister's suggestion that we go snowboarding, my appeal went unanswered. I was thinking jigsaws, perhaps a movie or even play cards... ("don't like cards" my mother's usual refrain came to mind immediately and I rejected that idea).

Well wrapped up
So himself goes to pick them up so that at least we can all have a hot and enjoyable meal together. Vests, warm jumpers, good base layers, hats, fully lined fleeced jackets, scarves, gloves and boots are donned ready to walk the 3 yards to the car then and 3 yards along the salted path up to Merrivale.

On arrival, Mum provides the solution to my dilemma. Her kettle has broken and she wants another one and will probably need more food...Never one to turn down an opportunity to stock up the pantry, Peggy agrees - and so it is settled.

Again, we done more clothes than strictly necessary as himself drives them up to the door of the supermarket. Thirty minutes later we emerge with all the essentials necessary for a month long siege when responsible for the feeding of a small army and oh yes, a kettle too.

Stocking up just to make sure......
Another successful Sunday. Entertainment was provided by them with their tales of the winter of 1947 ..... "Call this snow? This is just a sprinkling and the country comes to a standstill now in 1947....." they have lived through so much.