Sunday 4 November 2012

Groovin' at the Grosvenor

The ubiqitous British  Garden Centre 
An observant alien, travelling around Britain, should they have the ability to glance out of the window unfettered by the concerns of driving, might think that the average Brit could only survive but a few minutes without access to plants, seeds and trellises, such are the large number of Garden Centres dispersed around both rural and suburban areas. Equally, one might seriously come to doubt what a garden actually contains should they venture inside. For anything from slipper socks, glass baubles and bookmarks to teddies, key rings and feather dusters can be found within.

But what a joy such places are for those who find themselves with an hour or two to spare with two lively old folk as your companions. Like many towns, Wrexham has a large number of such places within a few minutes drive and most of them make for an entertaining Sunday afternoon. So it was that we set off for one of the grandest of them all, The Grosvenor.

On the very outskirts of Chester, this extravaganza of the shopping experience is the epitome of the best shopping you can have without spending any money...for it is a very rare Sunday that the grannies buy anything (apart from their habitual friendly banter on whose turn it is to buy the tea!). But that does not stop any of the enjoyment of our time there.

Watching out for the Duke....
Grosvenor is a common name for buildings and hotels around Chester for it is the family name of the city's most famous rich lad - the Duke of Westminster. He owns the estate (and quite frequently resides in) Eaton Hall in the freakishly strange village of Eccleston (I swear that in my entire life I have yet to see one person walking through its picturesque streets). So one always fancies that he will be at his namesake Garden Centre buying petunias for his borders...but we wait in vain.

But the Grosvenor is a feast for any eyes. Even in October, the shelves are heavily laden with Christmas fare. We all agree that it is far too early for this. It's not even Halloween yet! Keep Christmas in December, that's what we say.....

Despite this homage to commercialism, if you look hard enough, you might even find some plants too! No, that's not fair, the plants and advice on gardening have a great reputation; but as my ventures into the garden are rare, I am probably not the best person to be reviewing that section.

But today we have the added treat of a Craft Fair. We spend a pleasant half hour admiring their wares and trying to avoid catching the eyes of the various knitters and woodscratchers behind each stall. I buy a few Snowdonia Watercolour prints and the grannies cross question me closely about my extravagance.

Over tea at the Orangery Restaurant our conversation drifts to what we are going to do at Christmas ...

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